Related work experience
Leading Practice Groups
Weekly Intuition Practice groups - 3 groups over 13 years
Weekly Dream Groups - 1 group for 2 years
Leading Meditation/Reflection
Sacred Circle - Monthly meditation, spiritual group - 10 years
Ember Days - Silent retreat days at the turn of the seasons sponsored by The Chrysalis Institute, Coordinator for 10 years
Labyrinth Programs - walking meditation on the replica of the Chartres Cathedral Labyrinth
Classes Taught
Coming Home to Embodied Presence
Living with Intention, Setting Intentions for the Holidays
Intentions, Prayers, and Blessings
Writing As a Spiritual Practice
Many classes on the Human Energy System and Intro to Energy Healing
Residential Weekend Retreats Offered
Opening to the Wisdom Within - A retreat to open the senses, intuition and embodied knowing - all facets of personal wisdom inherent within
Seeking the Essential- A Six Month Engagement for Exploring and Expanding Your Spiritual Life
with weekend, day long and evening sessions
Living with Intention
Awakening the Possibilities Within
Women’s Overnight Dream Retreats