Favorite Books
Last Child in the Woods: Saving Our Children from Nature Deficit Disorder by Richard Louv (2008)
This book reflects the growing body of evidence linking the lack of nature in children’s lives and the rise in obesity, attention disorders, depression and anxiety. With utmost clarity and the backing of research Louv shows that exposure to nature is essential for a child’s healthy physical and emotional well-being.
The Nature Fix: Why Nature Makes Us Happier, Healthier, and More Creative by Florence Williams (2017)
Florence Williams investigates the science behind nature’s positive effect on the brain. Delving into brand-new research, she uncovers the powers of the natural world to improve health, promote reflection and innovation and strengthen our relationships. A great read!
Your Brain on Nature: The Science of Nature’s Influence on Your Health, Happiness and Vitality by Eva M. Selhub, M.D. and Alan C. Logan, N.D. (2014)
These two doctors show the ubiquitous influence of everyday technology on the brain and offer antidotes for the technology addicted. The book outlines emerging nature based therapies as well as practices for improving cognitive functioning, mental health and physical well-being.
Braiding Sweetgrass: Indigenous Wisdom, Scientific Knowledge, and the Teachings of Plants by Robin Wall Kimmerer (2013)
As a botanist, Kimmerer has been trained to ask question of nature with the tools of science. As a member of the Ptawatomi Nation she embraces the notion that plants and animals are our oldest teachers. Through her beautiful stories and essays, she acknowledges and celebrates our reciprocal relationship with the rest of the living world. This book is a treasure.
The Hidden Life of Trees: What They Feel, How They Communicate by Peter Wohlleben (2015)
This book draws on groundbreaking scientific discoveries to describe how trees are like human families: tree parents live together with their children, communicate with them , support them as they grow, share nutrients with those who are sick and even warn each other of impending dangers. This book is filled with wonder and deep love and respect for trees.
Outdoors for All by Richard Louv, (May 2019) Sierra Club Magazine — A nascent global movement proclaims that access to nature is a human right. A must read! This article tells about the nations first Nature Based Clinic affiliated with a major health provider in Oakland CA. It also clearly lays out the problems we are facing as well as the global movement toward change!
Why Trees Make you Happier by Jill Suttie, (April 2019) Greater Good Magazine: Science-Based Insights for a Meaningful Life — More good news about trees!!!
Why Forest Bathing is Good for Your Health by Karin Evans (September 2018) Mindful Magazine — Also explains why Mindful Outdoor Experiences are good for your health!!